Darstellende Geometrie/3D-Geometry
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1 Fundamental Terms of Geometry
1.1 Systems of Coordinates
1.1.0Systems of Coordinates1.1.0Theory on CD
1.1.1Example: Define Cartesian Coordinates1.1.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
1.1.2Example: Polar Coordinates1.1.2
1.1.3Example: Cylindrical Coordinates1.1.3
1.1.4Example: Spherical Coordinates1.1.4
- 1.2 Main Solids: Prism, Pyramid, Cone and Cylinder
1.3 Analyse Objects by Main Solids and Surfaces
1.3.1Project Analysis 11.3.1
1.3.2Project Analysis 21.3.2
1.3.3Project Analysis 31.3.3
1.3.4Project Analysis 41.3.4
1.3.5Project Analysis 51.3.5
1.3.6Project Analysis 61.3.6
1.3.7Project Analysis Analysis 81.3.8
1.1 Systems of Coordinates
2 Types of Projections
2.1 Types of Projections and Properties
2.1.0Types of Projection2.1.0Theory on CD
2.1.1Properties of Parallel Projection2.1.1Theory on CD
2.1.2Properties of Central Projection2.1.2Theory on CD
2.2 Axonometry
2.2.0Axonometric Views2.2.0Theory on CD
2.2.1Example: Different Axonometric Views of a Solid2.2.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
2.2.2Example 1: Axonometric Views2.2.2
2.2.3Example 2: Axonometric Views2.2.3
2.3 Principle Views
2.3.0Introduction of Principle Views2.3.0Theory on CD
2.3.1Example 1: Axonometric View to Principle Views2.3.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
2.3.2Example 2: Axonometric View to Principle Views2.3.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
2.3.3Example 3: Axonometric View to Principle Views2.3.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
2.3.4Example 4: Principle Views to Axonometric View2.3.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
2.3.5Example A,B: Completing Principle Views2.3.5Example on CD | Worksheet A-D on CD2.3.5Example C,D: Completing Principle Views2.3.5Example on CD2.3.5Example E,F: Completing Principle Views2.3.5Example (ppsx) | Worksheet E-H (pdf)2.3.5Example G,H: Completing Principle Views2.3.5Example (ppsx)
2.3.6Example A,B: Define Profile View2. C,D: Define Profile View2.3.6Example (ppsx)
2.3.7Example A,B: Define Plan View2. C,D: Define Plan View2.3.7Example (ppsx)
2.4 Additional Auxiliary View
2.4.0Introduction of an Auxiliary View2.4.0Theory on CD
2.1 Types of Projections and Properties
3 Spatial Operations
3.1 Fundamental Spatial Transformations
3.1.0Fundamental Spatial Transformations3.1.0Theory on CD
3.1.1Example: Reflection about a Plane3.1.1Example a-h on CD | Worksheet a-h on CD | Example i-l (ppsx) | Worksheet i-l (pdf)
3.1.2Example: Rotation about an Axis3.1.2Example a-h on CD | Worksheet a-h on CD | Example i-k (ppsx) | Worksheet i-k (pdf)
3.1.3Example: Spot Rotation3.1.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
3.2 Advanced Spatial Transformations
3.2.0Advanced Spatial Transformations3.2.0Theory on CD
3.3 Boolean Operations
3.3.0Boolean Operations3.3.0Theory on CD
3.3.1Example: Boolean Operations3.3.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
3.3.2Example: Boolean Operations 23.3.2
3.1 Fundamental Spatial Transformations
4 Constructions in Axonometry
4.1 Intercept and Intersection Line with an Image Plane
4.1.0Intercept of a Straight Line with an Image Plane4.1.0Theory on CD
4.1.1Example A,B,C: Intercepts of Line with Image Planes4.1.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD4.1.1Example D,E,F: Intercepts of Line with Image Planes4.1.1Example on CD
4.1.2Intersection Lines and Principle Lines of a Plane4.1.2Theory on CD
4.1.3Example: Intersection Lines of a Plane with Image Planes4.1.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
4.2 Intersection of Cube and Plane
4.2.0Intercept and Intersection Line4.2.0Theory on CD
4.2.1Example 1- A,B,C: Cube Cut By Plane4.2.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD4.2.1Example 1- D,E: Cube Cut By Plane4.2.1Example on CD4.2.1Example 1- F,G,H: Cube Cut By Plane4.2.1Example on CD
4.2.2Example 2 - A,B: Cube Cut By Plane4.2.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD4.2.2Example 2 - C,D: Cube Cut By Plane4.2.2Example on CD
4.3 Plain Solid Cut by Plane
4.3.1Example 1: Solid Cut by Plane4.3.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
4.3.2Example 2: Letter S and Number 2 Cut by Plane4.3.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
4.3.3Example 3: Solid Cut by Plane4.3.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
4.3.4Example 4: Technical Solid Cut by Plane4.3.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
4.3.5Example 5: Letter H and Letter M Cut by Plane4.3.5Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
4.4 Intersection of Lines and Planes
4.4.0Intercept of a Straight Line with any Plane4.4.0Theory on CD
4.4.1Example: Intercept of Straight Line AB with a Plane (scaffold of a Cube)4.4.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
4.4.2Example: Intersection Line of Two Planes4.4.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
4.4.3Example: Intersection of Triangle and Parallelogram4.4.3
4.4.4Example: Intersection Line of Two Triangles4.4.4
4.5 Intersection of Pyramid and Prism
4.5.1Example: Truncated Pyramid Cut by Prism4.5.1
4.5.2Example: Truncated Hexagonal Pyramid with Cuboid4.5.2
4.1 Intercept and Intersection Line with an Image Plane
5 Constructions in Principle Views
5.1 Special Position of a Line and a Plane
5.1.0Principle Lines5.1.0Theory on CD
5.1.1Principle Planes5.1.1Theory on CD
5.1.2Line Appearing as a Point - Point View of a Line5.1.2Theory on CD
5.1.3Plane Appearing as an Edge- Edge View of a Plane5.1.3Theory on CD
5.1.4Example: Transfer Points by Coordinates into Principle Views5.1.4
5.1.5Example: Name Special Position of Spatial Lines5.1.5
5.1.6Example: Name Special Position of Planes5.1.6
5.2 True Length of a Segment
5.2.0True Length of a Segment - Trapezoid5.2.0Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD5.2.0True Length of a Segment - Triangle of Difference5.2.0Theory on CD5.2.0True Length of a Segment - Auxiliary View5.2.0Theory on CD
5.2.1Example A,B: True Length of a Segment - Triangle of Difference5.2.1Example on CD | Worksheet A,B on CD5.2.1Example C,D: True Length of a Segment - Triangle of Difference5.2.1Example (ppsx) | Worksheet C,D (pdf)
5.2.2Example A,B: Transfer Distance on a Line5.2.2Example on CD | Worksheet A,B on CD5.2.2Example C,D: Transfer Distance on a Line5.2.2Example (ppsx) | Worksheet C,D (pdf)
5.3 Project a Line as a Point and a Plane as an Edge
5.3.0Project a Line as a Point - Two Auxiliary Views5.3.0Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.3.1Project a Plane as an Edge - Auxiliary View5.3.1Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.4 Locating Points in a Plane
5.4.0Locate a Point in a Plane - Auxiliary Line5.4.0Theory on CD
5.4.1Example: Locate Points in the Plane ABC5.4.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.4.2Locate a Point in a Plane - Principle Line5.4.2Theory on CD
5.4.3Example: Locate Points - Use Principle Lines5.4.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.4.4Example A: Intersection of a Prism and a Plane - Locate Points5.4.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD5.4.4Example B: Intersection of a Prism and a Plane - Locate Points5.4.4Example on CD
5.5 Spatial Position of Lines to Each Other
5.5.0Position of Two Lines to Each Other in Space5.5.0Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.6 True Size and Shape of Planar Figure
5.6.0Example: True Shape of a Planar Figure - Two Auxiliary Views5.6.0
5.6.1Example: True Shape of a Planar Figure - Auxiliary View and Rotation5.6.1
5.6.2Example: True Shape of Planar Figure - Revolution of a Plane5.6.2Example on CD | Worksheet A,B on CD5.6.2Example C,D: True Shape of Planar Figure - Revolution of a Plane5.6.2Example (ppsx) | Worksheet C,D (pdf)
5.6.3Example A: Equilateral Triangle - Revolution of a Plane5.6.3Example on CD | Worksheet A,B on CD5.6.3Example B: Square - Revolution of a Plane5.6.3Example on CD5.6.3Example C: Square - Revolution of a Plane5.6.3Example (ppsx) | Worksheet C,D (pdf)5.6.3Example D: Equilateral Triangle - Revolution of a Plane5.6.3Example (ppsx)
5.7 Solid Intersected by Plane
5.7.0Example: Pyramid Intersected by a Plane of Edge View5.7.0Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.8 Intercept of Straight Line with Plane
5.8.1Example: Intercept of Straight Line with Plane -"Cover Line"5.8.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.8.2Example A: Line Intersects a Plane- Edge View Method5.8.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD5.8.2Example B: Line Intersects a Plane- Edge View Method5.8.2Example on CD
5.8.3Example: Intersection of Prism with Plane- Development5.8.3
5.8.4Example: Intersection of Line with Prism5.8.4
5.8.5Example: Intersection of Line with Pyramid5.8.5
5.8.6Example A: Interception Line of Two Triangles5.8.6Example (ppsx) | Worksheet A-D (pdf)5.8.6Example B: Interception Line of Two Triangles5.8.6Example (ppsx)5.8.6Example C: Interception Line of Two Triangles5.8.6Example (ppsx)5.8.6Example D: Interception Line of Two Triangles5.8.6Example (ppsx)
5.9 Law of Right Angle
5.9.0Law of Right Angle5.9.0Theory on CD
5.9.1Example: Perpendicular Line to a Plane5.9.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.9.2Example A,B: Perpendicular Line to a Triangle5.9.2Example on CD | Worksheet A,B on CD5.9.2Example C,D: Perpendicular Line -Squared Pyramid5.9.2Example (ppsx) | Worksheet C,D (pdf)
5.9.3Perpendicular Plane to a Straight Line5.9.3Theory on CD
5.9.4Example: Perpendicular Plane to a Line and its Intercept5.9.4Example on CD | Worksheet (pdf)5.9.4Example C,D: Perpendicular Plane - Squared Pyramid5.9.4Example (ppsx)
5.10 Shortest Distance
5.10.0Example: Distance between a Point and a Line - Auxiliary Views5.10.0Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.10.1Example: Shortest Distance between a Point and a Plane - Intercept5.10.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.10.2Example: Distance between Point and Plane - Auxiliary Views5.10.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
5.11 Development
5.11.1Example: Development of a Truncated Pyramid5.11.1
5.11.2Example A: Truncated Pyramid Cut by Prism5. B: Development of a Truncated Pyramid Cut by Prism5.11.2Example (ppsx)
5.1 Special Position of a Line and a Plane
6 Shadow
6.1 Terms and Properties
6.1.0Shadow of Parallel Projection - Fundamental Terms6.1.0Theory on CD
6.1.1Example 1: Shadow of a Cuboid6.1.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.1.2Example 2: Shadow of Cuboids6.1.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.1.3Example 3: Shadow of Cuboids6.1.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.1.4Example 4: Shadow of Cuboids6.1.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.1.5Example 5: Shadow of Cuboids6.1.5Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.1.6Example 6: Shadow of Cuboid and Ramp6.1.6Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.2 Application: Shadow of Buildings
6.2.1Example 1: Shadow of a Building6.2.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.2.2Example 2: Shadow of a Wall and a Ramp6.2.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.2.3Example 3: Shadow of a House with Chimney6.2.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.2.4Example 4: Shadow of a Church6.2.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.2.5Example 5: Shadow of an Entrance with Canopy6.2.5Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.2.6Example 6: Shadow of a Roof with Dormer6.2.6Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.3 Application: Shadow of Churches
6.3.1Example 1: Shadow of a Church6.3.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.3.2Example 2: Shadow of a Church6.3.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.3.3Example 3: Shadow of a Church6.3.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.3.4Example 4: Shadow of a Church6.3.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.3.5Example 5: Shadow of a Church6.3.5Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
6.1 Terms and Properties
7 Special (Planar) Curves
7.1 Ellipse
7.1.0Definition of an Ellipse - Ellipsoid7.1.0Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD
7.1.1Circles of Curvature of an Ellipse7.1.1Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD
7.1.2Construction of an Ellipse with a Wrapper and its Reversion7.1.2Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD
7.1.3Construction of an Ellipse by de la Hire7.1.3Theory on CD
7.1.4Construction of Axes of an Ellipse by Rytz - Conjugate Diameters7.1.4Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD
7.2 Parabola
7.2.0Definition and Construction of a Parabola7.2.0Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD
7.3 Hyperbola
7.3.0Definition and Construction of a Hyperbola7.3.0Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD
7.3.1Constructions of a Hyperbola with Dividers7.3.1Theory on CD | Worksheet on CD
7.4 Bezier curves
7.4.0Construction and Parametric Equations of Bezier Curves7.4.0Theory on CD | Worksheet A,B on CD | Worksheet C,D (pdf)
7.1 Ellipse
8 Normal Projection of a Circle and Sphere
8.1 Circle in the Plan and Front View
8.1.0Normal Projection of a Circle8.1.0Theory on CD
8.1.1Example: Image of a Circle in a Plane of Edge View8.1.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.1.2Example: Circumcircle of a Triangle in a Plane of Edge View8.1.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.1.3Example: Image of a Circle in an Oblique Plane8.1.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.1.4Example: Point Rotates about an Axis (= Principle Line)8.1.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.1.5Example: Point Rotates about an Axis8.1.5Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.1.6Example: Example: Rotational Cylinder- Third Edge View Circle8.1.6
8.2 Axonometric View of Circle
8.2.1Example A: Axonometric Image of a Circle8.2.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD8.2.1Example B: Axonometric Image of a Circle8.2.1Example on CD
8.2.2Example: Isometric View of Circles8.2.2Example on CD8.2.2Example: Isometry of Circles8.2.2Worksheet on CD
- 8.3 Sphere
8.4 Define Points and Tangent Lines
8.4.1Example: Locate Point on a Sphere8.4.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.4.2Example: Locate Point on a Sphere and Define its Tangent Plane8.4.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.5 Sphere Cut by Planes
8.5.1Example: Intersection of a Sphere with a Plane of Edge View8.5.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.5.2Example: Intersection of a Sphere with an Oblique Plane8.5.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.5.3Example A: Sphere Cut by Planes of Edge View8.5.3Example on CD | Worksheet A on CD8.5.3Example B: Sphere Cut by Planes of Edge View8.5.3Example (ppsx) | Worksheet B (pdf)
8.5.4Example: Intercepts of Line with Sphere8.5.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.5.5Example: Dome of Sphere- Third Edge View of Circle8.5.5
8.5.6Example: Snowman- Third Edge View of Circle8.5.6
8.5.7Example: Top Hat- Third Edge View of Circle8.5.7
8.6 Sphere defined by
8.6.1Example: Sphere Given by Midpoint and Tangent Plane8.6.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.6.2Example: Sphere Defined by Midpoint and Tangent Line8.6.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.6.3Example: Sphere Defined by Three Points on a Great Circle8.6.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.6.4Example: Sphere Defined by 3 Points on a Small Circle and Radius8.6.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.6.5Example: Sphere Defined by Point and its Tangent Plane8.6.5Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
8.1 Circle in the Plan and Front View
9 Intersection of a Cylinder
9.1 Cylinder Cut by Plane
9.1.0Intersection of a Cylinder with a Plane9.1.0Theory on CD
9.1.1Example A: Cylinder Cut by Plane - Points, Tangent Lines9.1.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD9.1.1Example B: Cylinder Cut by Plane - Axes Direct9.1.1Example on CD9.1.1Example C: Cylinder Cut by Plane - Rytz9.1.1Example on CD
9.1.2Example: Intersection of Line with Cylinder9.1.2
9.1.3Example: Intersection of Cylinder with Plane- Development9.1.3
9.2 Application: Cylinder Cut by Prism - Axonometry
9.2.1Example: Intersection of a Circular Cylinder with a Prism9.2.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
9.2.2Example: Entrance of Hall 19.2.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
9.2.3Example: Intersection of a Chimney with Roof Faces9.2.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
9.2.4Example: Entrance of Hall 29.2.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
9.3 Intersection of Two Circular Cylinders - Axonometry
9.3.0Intersection Curves of Two Cylinders9.3.0Theory on CD
9.3.1Example A: Cylinders with the Same Tangential Plane9.3.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD9.3.1Example B: Cylinder Cut by Part of a Second Cylinder9.3.1Example on CD
9.3.2Example A: Cylinder Drilled by Smaller Cylinder9.3.2Example on CD | Worksheet (pdf)9.3.2Example B: Cylinder Cut by Cylinder- Locomotive9.3.2Example (ppsx)
9.3.3Example A: Cross Vault9.3.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD9.3.3Example B: Ellipses as Intersection Curves of Two Cylinders9.3.3Example on CD
9.3.4Example: Pipe Connection - Auxiliary Sphere9.3.4
9.4 Principle Views : Cylinder Cut by Prism
9.4.1Example: Intersection of a Circular Cylinder with a Prism9.4.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
9.1 Cylinder Cut by Plane
10 Intersection Curves of Circular Cone with a Plane
10.1 Intersection Curves of a Circular Cone
10.1.0Circular Cone Intersected by Plane10.1.0Theory on CD | Worksheet (pdf)
10.1.1Example: Basic Constructions of a Cone - Locate Point10.1.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
10.1.2Construction of Outline Points of Rotational Cone10.1.2
10.1.3Example A,B: Rotational Cone- Basement Shows Edge View10.1.3Example (ppsx) | Worksheet A,B (pdf)
10.1.4Example: Cup- Truncated Cone with Circles of Third Edge View10.1.4
10.1.5Example: Ice Cream- Circles Shows Second Edge View10.1.5
10.2 Ellipse as a Curve on a Circular Cone
10.2.1Example A: Cone Intersected by Planes - Ellipses10.2.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD10.2.1Example B: Cone Intersected by Planes - Ellipses10.2.1Example on CD
10.3 Hyperbola as a Curve on a Circular Cone
10.3.1Example: Cone Intersected by a Plane - Hyperbola10.3.1Example on CD10.3.1Example: Cone Intersected by a Plane - Hyperbola10.3.1Worksheet on CD
10.4 Parabola as a Curve on a Circular Cone
10.4.1Example A: Cone Intersected by Planes - Parabolas10.4.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD10.4.1Example B: Cone Intersected by Planes - Parabolas10.4.1Example on CD
10.1 Intersection Curves of a Circular Cone
11 Helix and Helical Surfaces
- 11.1 Helical Motion
11.2 Helix and Helical Surfaces in Principle Views
11.2.1Example A: Right-handed Helix11.2.1Example on CD | Worksheet (pdf)11.2.1Example B: Right-handed Helical Surface11.2.1Example (ppsx)
11.2.2Example: Left-handed Helical Surface of a Square11.2.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
11.2.3Example: Helical Surfaces of Helical Tangent Line11.2.3
11.3 Helix and Helical Surface in Axonometric View
11.3.1Example: Axonometric View of a Right-handed Helical Surface11.3.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
11.4 Application of Helical Surfaces
11.4.1Example: Object Analysis- Candle Stick11.4.1
11.4.2Example: Object Analysis- Bicycle Rack 111.4.2
11.4.3Example: Object Analysis- Bicycle Rack 211.4.3
11.4.4Example: Object Analysis- Vase11.4.4
12 Central Projection
12.1 Fundamental Terms
12.1.0Fundamental Terms of Central Projection12.1.0Theory on CD | Worksheet (pdf)
12.2 Bisection and Duplication
12.2.0Bisection and Duplication of Segments12.2.0Theory on CD
12.2.1Example 1: Bisection- Part of a Cube12.2.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.2.2Example 2: Bisection- Part of a Cube12.2.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.2.3Example 3: Duplication- Part of a Cube12.2.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.2.4Example 4: Duplication- Part of a Cube12.2.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.2.5Example: Reflection of a Solid about a Plane12.2.5Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.2.6Example: Rotation (90°) of a Solid about an Axis12.2.6Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.2.7Example 2: Bisection- Part of a Cube12.2.7
12.2.8Example: Octahedron by Bisection12.2.8
12.2.9Example: Duplication- Regular Hexagonal Prism12.2.9
12.2.10Example: Duplication and Bisection- Church12.2.10
12.3 Perspective View by Plan and Front View
12.3.0Perspective View - Using Plan and Front View12.3.0Theory on CD
12.3.1Example: Cuboid12.3.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.3.2Example: House12.3.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.3.3Example: Tent12.3.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.3.4Example: Obelisk12.3.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.3.5Example: House with Bay12.3.5Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.3.6Example: Corner House12.3.6Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.4 Perspective View by Plan View and Intercept with Image Plane
12.4.0Perspective View: Plan View and Intercept with Image Plane12.4.0Theory on CD
12.4.1Example: Cuboid12.4.1Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.4.2Example: House with a Tent Roof12.4.2Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.4.3Example: House with Saddleback Roof 112.4.3Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.4.4Example: House with Saddleback Roof 212.4.4Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.4.5Example: House with Dormer12.4.5Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.4.6Example: Corner House12.4.6Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.4.7Example: House with Bay12.4.7Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.4.8Example: Bus Stop12.4.8Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.4.9Example: Church12.4.9Example on CD | Worksheet on CD
12.4.10Example: Church 212.4.10
12.5 Advanced Constructions
12.5.0Perspective View: Transferring Segments12.5.0Theory on CD
12.5.1Rotation of the Basement into the Image Plane12.5.1Theory on CD
12.1 Fundamental Terms